Sunday is my 'make an awesome breakfast' day. Let's face it, with chasing after two kids, working part time, and babysitting I don't often have time to make a nice warm breakfast for anyone of us let alone the kids. I decided a few months ago to make Sundays be the day that no matter what I make a breakfast that does not just consist of cereal and bananas. This morning I tackled for the third time...homemade cinnamon buns. The first time was a bust, second was an improvement but still not there, so I decided to go with a new recipe thanks to the awesome Paula Deen and try again. This time we had success! Of course by the time they were done they weren't so much breakfast as much as an after lunch dessert but now that I have a good recipe to follow they can officially enter the yummy breakfast recipe rotation. Kids are happy and they are totally worth ruining my diet over.

See ooey, gooey, and minus one since we couldn't wait to try them! Here is the recipe:
Paula Deen's Cinnamon Rolls Recipe
Project Lose the Baby Weight
I find it very fitting to talk about weight loss after talking about cinnamon rolls. Haha. I've done okay with losing the baby weight after having Bowen, but I haven't really tried to either. With Bianca by the time she was a year old I had lost all the weight I gained doing nothing so I figured I'd go with that again. Well I'm older now, I gained a little more this time, and I'm stuck with 10 lbs that just did not want to go away. So I decided to get off my butt and do something about it. It helps that our health insurance now requires you to do healthy lifestyle changes in order to get a discount. You can pick anything from reducing stress to eating more fruit. I chose get fit and lose weight because I needed a motivator and not just something to lie about. I started with the Wii Fit and was just bored with it. Then my friends started the Couch to 5k program and I joined in. So mainly I'm doing that and I also have been doing the Insanity fit test once a week too which is just killer. I can't imagine doing that whole program...I think I might die if I did. I started off weighing in on the Wii Fit at 146. My goal is to get down to 135 and I'll be happy. That's less than pre-Bianca weight but not my high school weight and I'm okay with that. I don't expect to ever be that thin again. I'm turning 30 and I birthed two kids....135 is good enough for me!
I had been doing just the running for a few months and my weight went up and down. It was bumming me out so I bucked up and decided to do a diet change too. I have gone with the Yogurt diet in the past because I like Yogurt, it's filling, and it's healthy. So I stocked up on some Yoplait Whips with my coupons and started my diet of yogurt for breakfast, yogurt for lunch, and a regular dinner. I also throw in some fruit and veggies as snacks here and there and allow myself one unhealthy snack a day too. I want to lose weight and be healthy but I want to enjoy living too. I decided with this to weigh myself on the Wii Fit every Sunday and see how it goes. So with this diet and along with running here are my current stats...
Start at 146 lbs
Week 1 143 lbs
Week 2 (today) 142 lbs
I blame the 4th of July goodies for the only 1 lb loss this week but it's still a success in my book! 7 more lbs to go as the Wii so nicely tells me!
A Week In the Life
Finally let's go over the highlights of the week last week.
4th of July brought red, white, and blue pancakes, the Winslow parade with our friends the Csontos family followed by a BBQ lunch at their house, nap time in which it poured, quick run to the Fort Halifax where they were having the Winslow 4th celebration for pony rides and the petting zoo before getting rained on, BBQ ribs and beans for dinner, awesome homemade jello flag cake for desert, and finally a Bianca and Mumma night at the fireworks while the boys stayed home.
Got a brand new kitchen table since the other one was in poor shape. It was older than me and was my parents' so not surprising. Instead we got this awesome little nook with bench seating that is kind of restaurant style. Bianca now sits at the table to eat and Bowen has her little kiddy table. It is nice to sit around a functioning table and eat instead of hanging out in the living room with the TV on. Best purchase that I've made in a while...and it also brought us to Kmart's 50% off toys sale in which I got cheap moon dough and moon sand plus a couple of toys for the minions.
Wednesday took the kids to Camp Flagship which is free older kids movies. This week was Shrek Forever After. I snuck in drinks and the popcorn was only $1.07. Gotta love a trip to the movies for that cheap!
Thursday was our first beach day of the year! Yay!!! I took the kids to Damariscotta Lake State Park. This was Bowen's first time really being able to enjoy the beach and not just sit around the whole time. Of course that meant me chasing after him while trying to make sure Bianca didn't go too deep in the water. It was exhausting but fun and the start of many more beach days to come hopefully!
Friday is now gymnastics and shopping day. No spectacular deals this week in coupon land other than my yogurt being on sale and saving $1.20 in coupons on top of that. Crap! I just realized it's Sunday and the new coupons are out. I always forget to run and get a newspaper. Hopefully CVS won't let me down this week.
And that's it for the weekly check-in. Maybe if I'm not shuttling the kids around this week I'll post more and it won't be much of a check-in next Sunday. I still would love to vent about the Casey Anthony trial but I haven't quite formulated my thoughts totally on that yet. We'll see.
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