So of course when her first season was over and there was mention of a dance camp for 3-6 year olds I thought it would be fun to sign her up for her first camp experience. I wasted no time in registering her and getting her all set. That was in May and the camp was in July. So we had a lot of waiting to do. Then all of a sudden it was July and for some reason I had it stuck in my head that it started on the 19th and ran for 4 days. The 19th is a Tuesday and even though that was sort of weird, I just though that's when it was. I went with it. Then yesterday I ran around picking up the last minute things she needed to be ready for her first day of ballet shoes, new tights, a towel, sunscreen, lunchbox stuff. She was so excited that she ran around in her new ballet shoes most of day. Then when I was double checking the flyer to make sure I had everything she needed I realized that it said the 18th-21st. Wait...Monday is the 18th, not Tuesday!!! Yep we missed her first day of camp. I was heart broken for her, shed some tears. I don't know whether to blame the lack of sleep I've been getting or just my general mindlessness. Bianca of course has no clue whatsoever which I'm thankful for. What makes it worse was that the dance teacher posted on facebook Sunday night that camp started and she'd see everyone in the morning....and I liked it. For some reason that didn't register in my head that by 'see you in the morning' she meant the next day. Yeah it's pretty obvious and normally I would have picked up on that and then got all frantic because I didn't have all the stuff I needed for her yet. But I think the sleep deprivation has gotten to me and the words just did not compute. So I failed.
I'm not even sure why it bothers me so much. Maybe because as her mother she depends on me to get her to things like this on time and when she's supposed to be. Maybe it's because as a kid my mother would do that sometimes and I'd miss out on stuff and would be upset about it. It's easy to blame our parents for our issues, but really I can't blame anyone but myself here. So yep no mother of the year award here.
But that makes today our first day of dance camp instead! Bianca was so excited she kept asking if it was time yet. I got her stuff all together and her all suited up and we made it on time and everything. I have no clue how it is going or how she will do. She can be a bit of a pill and headstrong so I can only imagine. Hopefully she isn't giving them too much trouble and is enjoying dancing and all the other stuff they have planned. It's weird being here without her. I am apart from her when I go to work, but I haven't been with just Bowen in the house for longer than maybe an hour at a time. He looked around for her a little bit when we first got home, but now is enjoying living it up and having run of the house and toys. Plus some private time with me.

all ready for dance camp...though refusing to look at the camera for me
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