Breakfastvus Festivus
Since I had come upon the recipe I had been dying to try making Paula Deen's overnight french toast. I love french toast but I find the prospect of fan prying daunting and don't do it that often. So finding a recipe for french toast that sits in the fridge overnight and that you pop in the oven in the morning sounded awesome! Plus it's topped with this pecan praline type of mixture that just made it amazing! I'm going to have to quarter the recipe since even just halving it made more than me and two kids with stomachs the size of their fists can eat but it's worth a definite do again!
Paula Deen's Baked French Toast Casserole

It is better than it looks...I promise!
Project Weight Loss Fail
Yep, total fail this week. I made the mistake of buying way too much deli meat this week and so I had to eat some for lunch. Not that huge of a diet ruiner but then we got Chinese for our 7th wedding anniversary (yay us!) which was yummy but that left me with two days of leftovers that I then ate for lunch. Plus I broke a couple of snacking rules on top of that. So is it really any big surprise that when I weighed in today I came up with...
Week 3 (7/17) 144 lbs
Yep gained 2 lbs! Gah!!! This week means getting back on my diet plan and keeping with that. On a workout positive though, I ran 25 minutes straight with Bowen twice! The first time I texted my bestie after and told her that I thought I was dying. Obviously I didn't but it made me not want to do it again. I did however and it wasn't nearly as bad. It gives me hope that if it doesn't rain like crazy tomorrow that I'll be able to do it again!
A Week In the Life
Kind of a boring week around here.
I took the kids to their first 3D movie...How to Train Your Dragon. Bowen would not keep the glasses on and Bianca did after a lot of persuading. It was only my second ever so I was pretty pumped and again it cost a whole $1.07 for the movie and popcorn! We ended up leaving 10 minutes early because Bowen had just had it at that point. We've seen the movie before about a million times and it's on the longer side so I'm not surprised. It was still a fun experience. The next 3D one is Megamind and I'm looking forward to that since we haven't seen it yet.
The only other thing worth mentioning was that July 15th marked my 7th year of marriage! I can't believe it's been 7 years already. It's insane how quickly time goes by. We did nothing exciting since we're saving and paying off debt. Just broke budget and splurged on Chinese food with the kiddos.
Oh and a final feeling old moment came to me last night at work when I realized that out of me, another shift supervisor, a cashier, a pharmacy tech, and the pharmacist...I was the oldest working in the store at that moment. I can remember when I was the front store baby. Yeah not anymore because I'm getting old.
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